Cinderella is an online database of all institutional investors in the Israeli market.
The database, which is owned by Zadok-Keinan, includes hundreds of records that can be segmented according to different parameters, such as company, classification, position, address and more. Cinderella allows the transfer of prospectuses, marketing information sheets, presentations, financial statements and any other professional information via an email link to all institutional investors. The system also includes immediate update of investors’ cards, so that at any given time the existing information in the database is the most current in the market.
Underwriting companies - Cinderella offers underwriting companies a direct channel to institutional investors that are relevant to each and every prospectus. In addition, the system analyzes the activity of those investors in regards to a specific offering, receives invitations and requests for investors’ meetings and presentations and even enables the gathering of requests for tender indications for each individual tender offer.
Institutional investors - Cinderella offers institutional investors immediate access to existing prospectus offerings in the market. Once new information is available on the site, the system sends investors an email message of the prospectus offering that is relevant to them and at the same time, the investors can access a contact window to the underwriter, including an option for online correspondence between the two entities. At any given time the investor may request a meeting, a printed copy of a presentation and prospectus, request additional information and even transfer tender indications – and all this without the need for phone calls or faxes, without taking into account regular working hours, and so forth.
For more details, please email Michal Kashi, Manager of capital market department, direct or call on 03-5661777, Extension 137